FRAP setup


How FRAP works:

FRAP needs a DJI flightrecord [ DJIFlightRecord_2024-02-27_[14-30-13].txt ] + a PhantomHelp csv file [ DJIFlightRecord_2024-02-27_[14-30-13].csv ]

FRAP will convert this PH csv into a FRAP genereated CSV. ( both original files are not changed )


Unzip the download ZIP to any folder on any drive. [ for expample >  X:\FRAP ]

Add the TRIAL mode  'FRAPxtm.DAT' (received by my email) to the FRAPv*.exe file.


Make 1 folder (max 6) where FRAP finds your FlightLog.Txt and the corresponding PhantomHelp.CSV file. [ for example >  X:\FRAPimport ]

In FRAP (file menu) add up to 6 Folders where FRAP will put is own generated files [ for example >  X:\AIR3logs, X:\MAVIC3logs,  ect ]


Select in FRAP the flightlog to show. (first time it will be converted).










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